News from the Mountian -Live radio Program

News from the Mountain

Hello everyone!  I'm wishing you all good things in this New Year of 2019.  Last night, January 2, my new program "News from the Mountain" launched on BLOG TALK RADIO.  It is part of Yvonne Mason's "Off the Chain" program.  My portion starts 9 minutes into the hour long format.  It is a call in show, 516-387-1756, so I hope one day to talk to some of you in person.

The show airs live the first Wednesday of each month.  The next show will be February 6, 9 pm Eastern time.  If that is in the wee hours for you, you may listen at this link.  The shows are recorded and you can enjoy them at your convenience.  It's wild times, among the wildlife... of the wild west.


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